SCHOOL LOCATIONS in the US and Germany


Instructor & Co-Director



Tereasa Tyson Instructor
RHINEBECK, NY with Instructor, Sharon Johnston
BASIC TRAINING: Oct. 12 to April 2025/In-person Registration is closed.
CONTACT SHARON: 845-309-6413,
HYDE PARK, NY with Instructor, Penny Price Lavin and Ron Lavin, MA Guest Lecturer
A DAY OF HEALING/Zoom: Sat. Jan. 11 (10-5pm EST) $160 & $10 off with 10 day prior registration.
PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION/Zoom: Jan. 19 (10-5 pm EST) Open to all OLHT graduates.
BASIC TRAINING/Zoom: Feb 14-16, March 14-16, April 11-13, May 2-4, June 6-8 (15-days, one three-day weekend a month for 5 months. $3,100 + 3 discounts) Fri & Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4. Deadline Jan. 25.
HEALER SUPPORT GROUPS/Zoom: March 23, June 29, Oct. 5 (Sunday, 2-4pm EST) Open to OLHT Graduates.
MASTERS/via Zoom: Nov. 6-9 & Dec. 4-7 (8 Days) Open to all OLHT graduates.
CONTACT PENNY for information & flyers. 845-878-5165
SAVANNAH/GLENNVILLE, GA with Instructor, Tereasa Tyson
BASIC TRAINING: May 17-18, June 21- 22, July 12-13, Aug 9-10, Sept 6-7- Oct. & Nov. In-person (14-days, one weekend a month for 7 months. $3,100 + discounts) 10-5pm EST. Accommodations are available. See website for details.
CONTACT TEREASA: 912-657-5093
LUDLOW, KENTUCKY with Instructor, SheaLyn McGuffey
SPANISH School: Basic Training: June 21-22, July 19-20, Aug. 16-17, Sept. 20-21, Oct.18-19, Nov. 15-16, Dec. 13-14 /Via Zoom (14-days, one weekend a month for 7 months) 10-5pm EST. Contact Lyn for details.
Contact SheaLyn:
Basic Training: Aug. 23-24, Sept. 27-28, Oct. 25-26, Nov. 22-23, Dec. 20-21, Jan. 24-25, Feb. 21-22/ Via Zoom. (14-days, one weekend a month for 7 months) $3,100 + discounts) 10-5pm EST.
OREM, UTAH with Instructor, Julia Bryer
BASIC TRAINING/In-person. Fall. Dates TBA. See website for details.
CONTACT JULIA: 704-724-3842
RHINEBECK, NY with Instructor, Sharon Johnston
BASIC TRAINING/In-Person: Dates TBA.(14-days, one weekend a month for 7 months. $3,100 + discounts) 10-5pm EST
CONTACT SHARON: 845-309-6413,
For information on schools, workshops, and healing sessions, please contact our German Instructors listed below.
TUBINGEN, GERMANY – Susanne Bousset
Ph. 49-7071-367019
Ph: 49-089 350-64722
How do we step into the next chapter of our lives?
“Realize that the higher self, the inner voice, is you. Bring your projections home as your own developmental potential. Ask that deeper self to take dominion within your personality selves, and shift your identity from your ego to your essence. This is the key step to being born as a more universal human. Then, find life purpose. Ask to know what you are born to do. Follow the compass of joy. Seek out those who affirm the highest in you. Where two or more are gathered in the name of that highest dimension or your being there, “I Am” is in your midst. Everyone is needed. Everyone is called. The greatest blessing any one of us can have is to say “yes” to the dormant potential within us. Reach out to those who attract you, and connect with as many others doing the same as you possibly can.”
– Barbara Marx Hubbard, Futurist
“The Self does not come in from anywhere nor does it enter the body through the crown of the head. It is as it is, ever shining, ever steady, unmoving and unchanging. The changes which are noticed are not inherent in the Self, for the Self abides in the heart and is self-luminous like the sun. The changes are seen in Its light. The relationship between the Self and the body or the mind may be compared to that of a clear crystal and its background. If the crystal is placed against a red flower it shines red, if against green it shines green, and so on. The individual confines himself to the limits of the changeable body or of the mind which derives its existance from the unchanging Self. All that is necessary is to give up this mistaken identity and, that done, the ever shining Self will be seen to be the single, non-dual Reality.”
– Sri Ramana Maharshi
“The best action any of us can take, as evolving spiritual beings, is to guide The Light into our crown and heart centers, allowing It to still the mind and dissolve all of our blockages and programming. Then as we allow It to flow into the heart of the Earth, through Her infinite grace and the healing powers of gravity, It connects us to the as above and the so below, thus cleansing and opening the heart, expanding our consciousness, and affording us perfect spiritual guidance and evolutionary growth, throughout our lifetimes on Earth.”
– Ron Lavin, Rev., MA.