Energy Healing Sessions

ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH™ – Energy Healing Sessions with Ron & Penny Lavin

Benefits of One Light Healing Touch Energy Healing

One Light Healing Touch energy healing complements all medical and holistic practices.  It is helpful for all types of acute and chronic conditions, since it stimulates and strengthens the immune system and shortens the client’s recovery time, while dramatically decreasing levels of pain and increasing a sense of well-being. As Advanced Practitioners, Ron and Penny use using a wide–range of over 33 advanced energy healing techniques, for the client’s optimum health, such as:  Radiant, Magnetic, Chakra Healing, Heart Healing, Color Healing, Supreme Being Silver Cord, Past-life, Archangelic, Male-Female Healing, Distant Healing, and much more.

ENERGY SESSION WITH RON & PENNY: They work together and offer joint distant healing via Zoom, and in-person sessions. They are available 10amEST to 1pmEST. ($155/hour, or $425/ for 3 sessions.) If the condition is serious, please consider booking 3 sessions. During the distant healing, the clients should be in a receptive state “to best receive” the healing energy.  To book a session, please send in your payment and then email Ron at:, and cc: Penny:, to let them know that your payment has been made. Include your issues of concern, your picture, and suggested days you’re available for the session in the next few weeks. We will respond to you within a few days.  Click – TO PAY VIA Paypal:  (Write the amount on the form and fill in your cc information);   TO PAY VIA VENMO: Send payment to @RonandPenny.

PENNY is available for zoom distant healings and inperson sessions. To schedule, email

IN-PERSON SESSION DETAILS:  Clients are fully clothed and the healer’s hands are placed lightly on or above the client, depending on the client’s wishes.  The healer scans the client for blockages and stress, then connects with high healing energy using a wide range of healing techniques, and then transmits the restorative healing energy through their hands into the client. After the session, the healer shares insights from the session.

Patient Benefits from Energy Healing sessions

1) Pain relief – This sought-after result is often immediate.
2) Improved sense of well being and quality of life.
3) Reduced stress, and anxiety.
4) Balancing and strengthening the immune system.
5) Accelerated recovery from invasive or surgical procedures.
6) Increased personal growth and self-awareness.
7) Trauma release due to emotional or physical causes.
8) Aid in spiritual concerns: end-of-life issues.

ADDITIONAL SUPPORT: We suggest that clients purchase One Light Healing Touch Journey’s #1 (CD/MP3) so they can learn energy practices which best support their healing process. For deep healing and transformational personal growth, please consider our Day or Healing workshops, or the Basic Training. Courses are taught in-person and via zoom.

Testimonials for Ron and Penny Lavin’s energy sessions

“Thank you Ron and Penny for the beautiful energy healing session. The profound place I went to was incredible. At one point I was surrounded in a cloud of love and light, and lifted up. The entire space was filled with an intense and beautiful healing force. It was something I have never experienced before! My follow-up doctor’s appointments showed that now nothing was a major issue, which is what I was asking for. Thank you so much!”- Renee B.,  Distant Healing, June, 2024

“During the session I felt like my head was glowing and like I was on another level. After the session my terrible stomach pains were gone. I had had them for three days prior. I now practice the energy exercise you gave me daily.  Thank you Ron and Penny.” – Isabell J., Distant Healing, April, 2024, Germany

“Thank you Ron and Penny for the insightful session notes. I felt so much going on in my body and had profound visions and insights. I love that you brought in the Archangels and I definitely felt their presence. With much gratitude.”-Robert K., Distant Healing, Jan. 2024

“Thank you Ron and Penny. I really feel a profound improvment. Thank you for all that you did for me!” – Mary C., Distant Healing, Dec. 2023

“Ever since my session with you my soul has been doing cartwheels of pure joy!  It was so wonderful to feel that I was seen for who I am. I am so grateful. Thank you for opening me to deep peace and joy!” – Oben L.-  Distant Healing, May 2023

“Thank you Ron. I feel incredible and have never felt so peaceful in my life! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your healing notes!”- Amanda M. (Distant Healing)

“Thank you! It was amazing energy healing session. I re-experienced the beckoning stars of the between lives – a beautiful, precious experience! You have mined the gold of your spiritual experiences and shaped it into a beneficial set of teachings for intermediate, beginner, and advanced practitioners. I appreciate how you model and nurture one’s own connection with one’s higher-self.” – Nelson A., (In-person session)

“I am very grateful for the wisdom that Ron shared with me. His compassionate and joyful approach creates a delightfully profound experience.  The healing that Ron gave me facilitated a welcome release of long-standing and disempowering patterns.  Ron filled me with such an abundance of light and love that my entire being felt enormously joyful and my legs felt like they were sparkling!”- Julia B.,  (In-person session)

“Thank you Ron. I haven’t felt this good for a long time. It also helped my sleep issues and I woke up feeling calm and relaxed. I feel much lighter, happier and feel love for myself and others. I also so appreciated your help with my life-purpose.” – Surayansh S., (Distant Healing)

“After the healing, I immediately felt “lighter”, like a huge weight was lifted and a general sense of well-being. This feeling has continued into the week after the healing! My head is much clearer and my back feels awesome! I feel GREAT! I am excited about life again! Thank you so much!” – Rebecca J., (Distant Healing)

“Ron, thank you! My recent blood tests showed very much improved results! A drop in blood sugar levels, an increase in thyroid levels, and a general overall wellness that caused my doctor to say, “You’re doing really good!” – Marie W., (Distant Healing)

“Ron, I really appreciate the healing you’ve sparked in my body.  I have had very minimal pain as opposed to gut wrenching swelling in my sides for almost 2 years. Thank you!” – Christine B., (Distant Healing)

Wow- Thank you Ron! I actually saw the white light around me and go through my body. What an amazing experience!”- Michelle S., (Distant Healing)

“During the healing I experienced a feeling of expansion & peacefulness. Afterward I had a very deep sleep. When I awoke I immediately noticed my head/brain and eyes felt much less contracted and less strained.  I was able to think more clearly and felt more tuned in. This has continued today as well!” – Sundara D., (Distant Healing)

“During the session, I had a clear sense of total relaxation, almost an ecstatic state. I had multiple visions and I experienced the sensation of your energy passing throughout my body leaving a tingling feeling of well-being.” – Dennis W., (Distant Healing)

“Thank you so much. I actually feel better already. I felt heat on my right arm and mid-body early in the session. It felt like it was moving in a wave. After the session, my daughter came to ask me for help. I didn’t feel that dread, tiredness, and my mind actually worked. I’m so excited. My mind WORKS! I’m not in a confused, exhausted, overwhelmed fog. I’ve been helping her for 2 hours and I’m still alert. Thank You so much!”   – Leslie S.,  (Distant Healing)

“During the session I released fear, doubt, self-criticism, pain, inflammation and forgave others and myself, and released negative energies. I saw a vortex of swirling light “sweep” the body, head to toe, cleaning all muscles and organs!   The Light of Spirit filled the void and I sensed & felt health & vitality and claimed wellness. A layer of doubt and uncertainly is gone! I bathed in the light and felt a sense of love.  Thank you for sharing the healing gift. “- Eduardo R., (Distant Healing)

“I cannot thank you enough. Your distant healing energy sessions helped my wife, bring our daughter “to term”, without the previous miscarriages due to the complications of her shortened cervix.” – Steve E., Finland, (Distant Healing)

Testimonials for Penny Lavin’s energy sessions

“Thank you Penny for the wonderful and enriching energy healing and consultation.  I had been in a slump and now I feel balanced, peaceful and energized. You addressed all the factors that are absolutely relevant to me and you gave me tools to work with going forward. My eating and sleeping are now back to normal and my blood pressure has dropped. Thank you!-  Debbie B. (Distant Healing) Sept. 2023

“Thank you Penny for the wonderful energy session and for your wisdom, patience, acceptance and generosity, and for being a skilled and compassionate OLHT Instructor.” –  Linda R. (Distant Healing) Aug. 2023

“Thank you Penny. I fractured my arm and Penny gave me wonderful sesssion a few days later.  During the healing, I felt like I went to a deep place. I felt a strong electrical flow going up and down both sides of the body. My crushing headache is gone and I feel much more rested. And the pain in the arm  is reduced too!”- Joan B. (Distant Healing)

“Thank you for a wonderful session this morning! I felt lighter and brighter all day and more peaceful in my heart.”- Kristine C., (Distant Healing)

“Thank you for the really wonderful session today. I had been feeling low and now I feel bright, clear and more positive I have been in a long time!” – Anna K., (Distant Healing)

“Thank you for today’s session! I have been coping with immune issues, chronic fatigue, stress and pain. You are a magnificent healer, full of light. I haven’t felt this good in years!”- AF.,  (Distant Healing)

“Thank you Penny. You’re so soothing, comforting and very intuitive. During our session I felt stuck energy moving through various parts of my body but especially in my “problem area” in my right hand /wrist.  The numbness has lifted quite significantly in my 3 fingers there, with just this one session. I feel very grateful and I am so excited to start my journey with your school in Energy healing. Thank you!” – Stephanie K., Feb. 2021 (Distant Healing)

“Penny, thank you very much for the wonderful and much needed energy session.”- Missy R., (Distant Healing)

“Thank you Penny. The pain in my feet disappeared and I felt beautiful swirling energy moving through me during the healing. You are a skilled healer! Afterward, I felt deep peace.”- KP.,  (Distant Healing)

“Thank you Penny. After that one energy healing session, the nausea, anxiety and pain has subsided substantially and I haven’t had to take ANY anti-nausea medication at all! Also, now when I do the 6 Positions, there is a new depth and expansiveness in the experience!”- Lucy W., (Distant Healing)

Sunset in Madaba, Jordan—Mt Nebo (where Moses died) – Robin Lavin©2010