CAM: Complementary and Alternative

Natural Health Magazine, has identified approximately 30 healing practices as CAM, “Complementary and Alternative,” from acupuncture, to homeopathy. It is especially noteworthy that the OLHT Program offers in-depth training in seven of the recognized CAM practices:

Long Distance HealingEnergy Healing

Guided Imagery

Healing Movement


Mind-body Healing

Non-religious Spirituality

In addition to these listed practices, the Basic Training teaches a total of 50 self-healing practices and 33 advanced techniques for healing others.

Increasingly, hospitals in search of a competitive edge are offering their patients and local residents some form of alternative medicine. According the American Hospital Association, the number of hospitals offering complementary and alernative therapies doubled from 8% in 1998 to 16.7% in 2002.

Full Moon Setting behind the Sierras at Mono Lake, CA – Robin Lavin©2010

Today, the number is far greater. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, these alternative or complementary medical centers, known as Integrative Medicine Clinics, are changing the face of healthcare. He states, “these hospital-sponsored clinics offer patients and local residents the best of conventional and alternative medicine in order to maximize the body’s innate potential for self-healing.” Self Healing, January, 2004.CAM therapies are prescribed for all levels of patients, including those with serious illnesses. Americans now spend over $34 billion out-of pocket annually on complementary medicine, and many hospitals are recognizing that incorporating alternative therapies will benefit their hospital’s bottom lines. As many as 43% of Americans say they have used some form of alternative therapy. 85% of cancer patients use a variety of CAM therapies in addition to mainstream medical treatments. CAM courses are now taught in 75 of the 125 accredited U.S. medical schools. The WHO reports that between 65-80% of the world’s population relies on at least one form of alternative therapy as their main form of health care. Insurance companies have begun to cover CAM and lifestyle modification programs because they see the cost-savings benefit. Hospitals and their Integrative Medicine Clinics providing both traditional medicine and alternative, complementary practices are fast becoming the public’s favorite hospitals.


At Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in NY., well-known, cardiac surgeon, Dr. Mehemet Oz, often uses energy healers, before, during, and after surgery. He says that he’s found it to be a safe and reliable tool for improving the patient’s recovery from surgery.

At New York’s Continuum Center for Complementary Care, pediatricians use energy healing during delivery. Doctors reported they find this a more holistic approach, than slapping the newborn. (Spirituality & Health Magazine, Spring 2001)

Energy healing is taught to patients at Columbia and Roosevelt-St. Lukes in NY, for their self-care. Hospital practitioners there say that it reduces pain and improves patients’ energy, and the efficacy of the patients’ other medications. (Spirituality and Health, Mag., Spring 2001)

First Health Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, NC, provides patients with polarity energy therapy and says that it supports the patients’ healing process. (Natural Health Magazine )

Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, La Jolla, CA, Dr. Mimi Guarneri, world-class heart specialist, makes sure that every heart patient receives healing touch treatment before surgery, for the benefits of “relaxation, reducing pain, easing anxiety, and improving their overall energy and rate of recovery.” The treatment is done by nurses trained in energy healing. (Spirituality & Health Magazine, March/April 2004)