THE HEALING FIELD: Exceptional Healing Practices To Change Your Life – By Penny
Price Lavin
AWARDS: ***** Stars, US Review of Books (2021) ; Book Excellence Award (2021)
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*Book and Ebook available on Amazon
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An ideal companion to the Telly-winning film, The Healing Field: Exploring Energy & Consciousness. Learn powerful healing practices to heal your body, mind and spirit and expand your consciousness. Explore breakthroughs in energy medicine, mind-body techniques and quantum physics. Discover how energy medicine is changing our health, our society, and our future!
With renowned experts: Bruce Lipton PhD, cellular biologist; Lynne McTaggart, consciousness expert; Beverly Rubik, PhD, biophysicist; the late Candace Pert, PhD, neuroscientist; integrative medicine experts Hyla Cass, MD, and Larry Dossey, MD; Rollin McCraty, PhD, of Heart-Math; Ron Lavin, MA, founder of One Light Healing Touch™ Energy Healing and Mystery School; Linnie Thomas, A Healing Touch.™ Instructor; plus new material not seen in the documentary.
The acclaimed practitioners from the fields of energy healing, qigong, mental imagery, and sound healing relate inspiring healing stories, studies, and invaluable self-healing practices for people of any age. Ron Lavin, MA, shares his remarkable personal journey as a renowned healer and gifted psychic. Qigong Masters, Kenneth Cohen, Jack Lim, and Gary Renza explain that our very existence depends on the strength of our Chi energy. Discover the secrets of miraculous healing with mental imagery with the late Gerald Epstein, MD, by using micro input for macro output, and learn the mysteries of sound healing for helping to heal disease.
Learning life-changing self-healing practices will help us contribute to the evolution of humanity and be an integral part of true health-care reform.
Penny Price Lavin is an author and filmmaker. See her bio.
Her Telly-winning documentary The Healing Field: Exploring Energy & Consciousness, is on Amazon and, where it is available in English, German, French and Spanish. This book includes material from the film’s transcripts and presents new and expanded information on the field.
“Fantastic book. For all holistic and energy healers out there, this is a must have! Very well written with references throughout. This truly is a nice introduction to the world of energy healing.” Lisa L., RN 1/4/2025
“I love your book more than I can ever tell you. It is also my life’s study and belief system. Am so happy and excited to work on it.” – Ginger Price Jan. 2020
“This is one of the most important books of our time.” – Dr. Pat Radio Show, Seattle, Wash.
“In The Healing Field, Penny Price Lavin has brought together the great minds and healers of this era to create a masterpiece, which will surely positively affect the lives and happiness of millions of people throughout the world, as they embrace the radiance, both within and around themselves.” – Jack Lim, Qigong Grand Master
“Penny Price Lavin has brought together renowned experts in the role of consciousness and energy healing to create a comprehensive and inspiring overview of the subject. Integrating scientific knowledge with traditional wisdom, this book is a must for anyone interested in the alternative approaches to health.”- Peter Russell, author, The Global Brain and From Science to God.
“A well-documented and credible voice that not only challenges the paradigms of Western biomedicine, but also offers detailed maps of many of the major healing modalities emerging in our time. If you are trying to make sense out of the contemporary health and healing scene, this is a superb resource.”- Rick Jarow author, Creating the Work You Love, and In Search of the Sacred.

Rose Mystery – Robin Lavin©2010
Nature Photos courtesy of Robin Lavin
©2010 Robin Lavin Photography, All Rights Reserved