Miracles: How to Create Some in Your Life
Excerpted from Body, Mind & Spirit
Ron Lavin is a gifted hands-on healer who says he works by accessing the universal life force that exists within all of us. This life force, and our ability to use it, has been acknowledged by such notable physicians as Dr. Bernie Siegel and Dr. Joan Borysenko. Lavin works in partnership with his clients, and while working with them, instructs them to tap the mind/body connection, and he empowers them by teaching visualizations, sound and movement exercises.
One of Lavin’s cases was in IBM executive who went to his doctor complaining of abdominal pain. Suspecting appendicitis, the doctor wanted him to check into the hospital right away. Instead the executive decided to visit Lavin to see if a healing energy session might help before he checked into the hospital. Lavin conducted the session and when the executive returned to his doctor the next day, the doctor noted that all the symptoms and the pain and swelling were gone and the doctor canceled the surgery.

Heaven Speaks – Robin Lavin©2010