By Ron Lavin, MA Creations Magazine -1991
We search and continually find new ways to clear the refuse of our old values and to understand, honor and release the manifestations of our past creations. Healing is an amorphous concept that constantly presents greater challenges to an evolving mind. Remember that we have only to ask and in the correct moment we will receive our rewards.
Our movement along the healing/spiritual path is characterized by stops and starts. We grow healthier and stronger by short and eventually longer sustained efforts. Growth is not a quick fix and does not happen all at once, but is a product of life long striving towards one’s own highest ideals. At first we may perceive our ideals as foolish and unattainable, but as we continue to grow and accept them, they become stronger and more real to us.

Long Tail Butterfly (at the Ruins of Aphrodite’s Temple in Turkey) – Robin Lavin©2010
We are the ever evolving humankind and as we continue to heal and purge ourselves of the ancient fears of scarcity, the unknown and societal judgment, only then can we continue to evolve and to let go and learn to grow. Thus the nature of healing is an ever changing dance, spiraling inward towards our deepest spiritual core.
Healing often includes meditation, visualization, sound-work, breath-work, movement, sacred ceremony, crystal work and dream work, all forms that still the mind and blend the seen with the unseen worlds. All these tools may generate inner silence, greater awareness and clarity of being. All these tools and many more are found along the healing path, but the nature of healing is much more than just the tools. They are only a fraction of the picture. A growing awareness of the magnificent perfection of humankind must be present in any healing format. Our core beliefs are as a light in the darkness, they help illuminate man’s magnificent inner nature. The objective of our life path is the true understanding of our divinity, culminating in the fulfillment of our purpose for being. Our belief in mankind serves to help us to move along our life’s path. The nature of healing is an unfolding flower that we give to ourselves and to each other, as we become who we are.
Attunement to our inner guidance is fundamental along the healing path. Inner guidance is the messenger that whispers the truth and wisdom to us on the winds of spirit and arrive at the doorstep of our very own awareness. Developing communication with the inner voice or higher self is essential. This must be distinguished from the radio voice also known as parental programming. Issued with calm and assurance from a profound depth, this inner voice is the quiet, still voice of knowing. It always guides us onto the most correct path. When resigned to listening for this guidance the inner voice will then reveal itself to us. Even without understanding the source of the inner voice, it’s clarity and unemotional certainty is worth following. Practice listening and communicating with your inner voice. Learn to trust your inner guidance and allow your path to be guided in this way. The results will speak for themselves.
Verbalizing is essential in healing. Communicating how we feel and being able to express ourselves clearly does not come easily to most of us. Positions clearly stated are generally the product of thoughts verbalized many times and finely honed after much consideration. We all need to hear our words stated many times, because only then do our truths become clear to us. Changing our minds allows us to fine tune our truths until they become crystal clear. These truths are the foundational stepping stones on which we plant our feet in the knowledge that they are our truths and will support us. Lining up our stepping stones, one truth after the other is an act of creating the direction of our life’s path. As we continue to add truths onto our path we begin to learn who we are. This path of learning and speaking our truths and becoming who we are is very much in the nature of healing.
Finally, the deepest aspect of healing is locating and probing the territories beneath the armored parts of the self. Reacquainting oneself with and cleansing these old wounded areas is essential in becoming whole. Learning to be with, trust, and love these deepest essential parts of the self is an area where profound healing can take place. When we can give the gift of expressing all of our thoughts and feelings with another, our pleasures and joys, and our pains and fears, then we have taken the healing path. In this place of present time, the past no longer binds, and the healing process becomes a flower in full bloom. In this place of light and high vibration, one sits in a state of grace. Lovingly and willingly we accept the role of copilot, receiving and listening to the streams of light whispered on the winds from the source of all light, and life becomes a loving fulfillment of the lessons and tasks that we have come here to learn and complete.
Deep In The Palace Of The Heart Merged With The Oneness Of The All That Is Universal Essence – Unconditional Love, Mingles With The Incarnate Teaching Us Of The Oneness Of The Unseen With The Material Creations Of Our Thoughts. Love And Emotions Flow; Tears Of Joy Flood Away The Lingering Doubts Of Loneliness. We Have Won! We Are One! Glory To God! We Are Created!
-Ron Lavin – Spring ’91