“I suffered from depression and was on medication for a number of years, but during the Basic Training with Penny and Ron Lavin, as I utilized the OLHT Practices, I went off the medication and feel a new lease on life! I was also able to avoid a two-disc replacement surgery in my neck and my range of motion has greatly improved. Thank you OLHT!”- Jennifer S., Nov. 2018
BREAST CANCER & RELATIONSHIPS “I was diagnosed with having localized cancer cells in one of my breasts. I had been heavily pressured by some leading New York breast care specialists to have a mastectomy, however I decided instead to take the Basic Training with Penny Lavin, and learn the work for my own self-healing. Shortly after the end of the training, I went for a “checkup” mammogram and was thrilled to learn that it showed that my breast condition was now normal! Soon after that, I also had a profound shift in my personal relationships, from being defensive and critical of others, to greater acceptance and a clearer vision of others.” – Judith O, Nov. 2016
LYMPHEDEMA “I had painful lymphedema (swelling in my arms following breast cancer treatments). The doctors said this is a common side-affect and there was no effective treatment. However, when I took the Basic Training, my lymphedema was completely eliminated by the 3rd weekend of the school.” — the late, Joan H.
BACK PROBLEMS “I suffered from painful lower back problems for a number of years. After the 2nd weekend of taking the School, with Penny Lavin, I felt a shift, as I released old emotional issues. The next week, my chiropractor was amazed at the shift in my body and it’s remained clear ever since.” — J.B., Social Worker
KNEES “I experienced a profound healing in my knees during the 1st weekend of the One Light Healing Touch School. Previously, I had arthritis in my knees, which caused a clicking sound when I went up or down stair, and my doctor said I would eventually need to have my knees replaced. However after that weekend, the clicking disappeared and my knees have been fine ever since! Amazing!”- K. Ransom, OLHT Instructor
FIBROMYALGIA “For 10 years I suffered from painful fibromyalgia, and I tried many types of therapies without success. However, when I took the BASIC TRAINING, my symptoms were reduced by 80%, over the six months of the course.” — M.P., Social Worker
DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY “I suffered from anxiety and depression for two decades. I sought out the conventional forms of treatment, from therapy to medication, which helped in a small ways. However, when I took My-depression-treatment.com, my depression and anxiety were eliminated by 90%. My allergies were also greatly reduced.” — J.N.
DISTANCE HEALING On Ex-Husband “During the school, I did a Distance Healing on a difficult ex-husband. Four days later, I received a surprising and unusual letter from him, sending me a simple “Thank you”. Something clearly had shifted and healed in him and somehow, he know it was from me! We had no verbal communication of any sort. Amazing! I saw him some months later and felt a new respect and ease from him.” — J.B.
PEACE “I gave myself a White Light healing that I learned in the School, and I was able to achieve a measure of peace that I had never known from meditation. I have been doing it every night since. I never imaged I would be able to achieve that place by myself.” — Eileen C.M.S.
OFFICE ENERGY “I’m a social worker and see clients in my office throughout the day. By the 2nd weekend of Penny Lavin’s School, my clients and office workers noticed that my office seemed “different, brighter and felt better.” Even my plants were thriving and there’s very little light! I had begun using the powerful tools I learned in ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH to clear my space.” — J.B., Social Worker
BRAIN CANCER Ron Lavin participated in a landmark study where he used ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH Distance Healing. One of the participants on the study had a brain lymphoma. He did daily sessions for one week. The next week, the patient’s brain cancer was gone and did not return.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS “As a visiting nurse, one of my homebound clients is in the advanced stage of Multiple Sclerosis. Extensive contractures riddled his body, and he can no longer walk. In one of my weekly visits, I offered him an energy healing to which he agreed. After the session, he exclaimed that he could feel his legs again! My nursing assessment also noted, that his usually very rigid muscle tone, was more relaxed.” — Louella McGuigan, RN, Mahopac, NY.
STRESS & BREATHING ISSUES “Penny, thank you. The distant healing session helped immensely! I hold so much stress in my chest and have never been able to perform deep breathing but this pushed me through it. The stress dropped after and I could breath 30% deeper. I do feel more connected and in control!”- Sonja H. Sept. 2018, (Distant Healing Session with Penny Lavin, Instructor/Practitioner)
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS “I had a life-long difficult relationship with a family member. I did several hands-on and long-distance healings on her. The change and healing in our relationship has been extraordinary. Rather than criticism and distance, there is now love and respect. It is truly miraculous. It has also deeply healed my heart as well.” Jacquie H.
PACEMAKER DURING SURGERY “An elderly patient was having her pacemaker changed and was highly agitated in the OR. The doctor gave me permission to see if Energy Healing might help her. I used the ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH Protocols and directed healing energy though the patient’s head, into the whole body. The patient immediately calmed down, was fine throughout the procedure, and was clear and calm after the surgery.”— Martha Sullivan, RN, Instructor/Practitioner
BLOOD PRESSURE “I did a healing on a client who had high blood pressure. They had taken their blood pressure before and after I did my healing. After the healing, their blood pressure dropped by 10 points. (From 140 over 80, to 130 over 80.)” — Nancy McAlley, RN
ALS DISEASE “During one of my night shift as a private duty nurse to a patient suffering from Amyolotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), I noted her heart rate to be very rapid, at 94-99 bpm (tachycardia), and I learned that it had been so all afternoon. I waited till my patient fell asleep, and then gave her an ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH energy healing. About 10-15 minutes after the session, her heart rate began decreasing, and 2 hours later, it had normalized to 78-80 bpm and continued until my shift ended at 8 AM. Her mood was also positively affected. The next day, the day-nurse reported that our normally grouchy patient was in “good spirits” all day long.” — Louella McGuigan, RN, Mahopac, NY
CANCER “We saw a woman with several brain cancers. We worked on her head and liver, using various ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH techniques. The patient immediately said she hadn’t felt so good in over a year. A few days later the patient had an MRI. Two of the three tumors were gone and the third had shrunk from 2.8 cm to 1.0 cm. Shortly thereafter, during the patient’s laser radiation on the remaining tumor, we performed an advanced Distance Healing technique on the patient. The patient came through the operation successfully without any brain damage. Afterward, her blood levels were tested and shown to be within normal range.” — Annie B. Bond & K.D., Rhinebeck, NY.
RECOVERY FROM A CAR ACCIDENT A woman, involved in a serious automobile accident, was left with multiple pelvic injuries and acute pain. Ron Lavin saw her once a week for 6 weeks, after her release from hospital. Her doctor, family and the patient, all commented that the speed of her recovery, as well as the reduction of her pain level, was unparalleled. — Ron Lavin, MA.
EXTREME HYPERTENSION A patient was admitted to the hospital, suffering from extreme hypertension, but the drugs administered were unable to stabilize the condition. The doctor said she could very likely go into cardiac arrest. The next day, Ron and Penny Lavin went to the hospital and gave the patient a session, which stabilized her immediately. She was then able to be placed on a lower drug dosage, and was released the next day. — Penny & Ron Lavin, MA. Instructors and Practitioners
DISTANCE HEALING “Thank you Ron for giving the long-distance healings to my son. He’s now more focused in his schoolwork, applying himself and taking pride in his achievements, and even helping around the house and is even compassionate with his sisters! He even says he’s feeling differently and is more at ease with himself and his surroundings. The energy work has made an enormous difference.” — Judy B.
DISTANCE HEALING “I joined the ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH School in order to learn effective healing techniques in the hope of healing a dear friend who was suffering from “terminal” cancer. She was in a coma in hospice care. Through the months of the School, I used the energy healing techniques, in addition to distance healing, and I worked on my friend every week. Then one day, we received the news that she was out of her coma and the cancer had disappeared completely, she was in complete remission!” — Eleanor D.
MIGRAINE HEADACHES “I saw a client who had been suffering with a migraine headache for two days. After the session his migraine immediately disappeared.” — Penny Lavin, Instructor/Practitioner
PAIN AND EMOTIONAL STATES “I use a combination of energy healing and massage on patients in the hospitals. The many benefits to the patients include: their breathing becomes more relaxed, a loosening and softening of muscles, pain relief, improved sleep or ability to get to sleep, reduction of sense of isolation, reduction of fear, and improved mood.” — Cindy M., Troy, NY.
POSITIVE BUSINESS OUTCOMES “I began using some of the tools to clear the space and raise the energy in the courtroom before we had a hearing. The energy in the room shifted and we began getting more favorable outcomes with less discord for all. It is quite amazing how the “tools” become sharper the more you use them.” — J.H.
GRIEF AND DEPRESSION “For almost 10 years, my client suffered from intense grief, due to the loss of a loved one. After our single session, she immediately felt a new upward shift in her energy. Her new-found strength, which continues today, has allowed her to feel joy, even smile, and to love again.” — Penny Lavin, Instructor/Practitioner

Rainbow over hills in Marin County CA
– Robin Lavin©2010

Red Dragonfly, CA – Robin Lavin©2010